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Optical imaging
"Nanometer resolution imaging and tracking of fluorescent molecules with minimal photon fluxes" (2017) Balzarotti, F.;Eilers, Y.;Gwosch, K.C. (...)Hell, S.W. Science. 355(6325):606-612
"Fluorescence fluctuations and equivalence classes of Ca2+ imaging experiments" (2014) Piegari, E.; Lopez, L.; Perez Ipiña, E.; Ponce Dawson, S. PLoS ONE. 9(4)
"Early olfactory experience modifies neural activity in the antennal lobe of a social insect at the adult stage" (2009) Arenas, A.; Giurfa, M.; Farina, W.M.; Sandoz, J.C. European Journal of Neuroscience. 30(8):1498-1508
"Optical imaging with subnanometric vertical resolution using nanoparticle-based plasmonic probes" (2009) Scarpettini, A.F.; Pellegri, N.; Bragas, A.V. Optics Communications. 282(5):1032-1035
"The assessment of phase only filters in imaging systems by the classical optical merit functions" (2008) Hild, R.;Campos, J.;Yzuel, M. (...)Escalera, J.C. Optical and Digital Image Processing. 7000
"Light intensity profile control along the optical axis with complex pupils implemented onto a phase-only SLM" (2008) López-Coronado, O.;Iemmi, C.;Davis, J. (...)Yzuel, M.J. 6th Ibero-American Conference onOptics and 9th Latin-American Meeting on Optics, Lasers and Applications, RIAO/OPTILAS 2007. 992:152-157