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Neural Networks (Computer)
"Use of a machine learning framework to predict substance use disorder treatment success" (2017) Acion, L.;Kelmansky, D.;Laan, M.D.V. (...)Arndt, S. PLoS ONE. 12(4)
"Fast distributed dynamics of semantic networks via social media" (2015) Carrillo, F.; Cecchi, G.A.; Sigman, M.; Slezak, D.F. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. 2015
"From a single decision to a multi-step algorithm" (2012) Dehaene, S.; Sigman, M. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 22(6):937-945
"Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence in Thoracic Surgery" (2007) Esteva, H.; Núñez, T.G.; Rodríguez, R.O. Thoracic Surgery Clinics. 17(3):359-367
"Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors induce spontaneous interneuronal activity in the leech nervous system" (2005) Calviño, M.A.; Iscla, I.R.; Szczupak, L. Journal of Neurophysiology. 93(5):2644-2655
"Classification of quantitative eeg data by an artificial neural network: A preliminary study" (1996) Riquelme, L.A.; Zanuto, B.S.; Murer, M.G.; Lombardo, R.J. Neuropsychobiology. 33(2):106-112