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"On the issue of calibration in DNN-based speaker recognition systems" (2016) McLaren, M.;Castan, D.;Ferrer, L. (...)Amazon Alexa; Apple; eBay; et al.; Google; Microsoft 17th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2016. 08-12-September-2016:1825-1829
"On the issue of calibration in DNN-based speaker recognition systems" (2016) McLaren, M.;Castan, D.;Ferrer, L. (...)Amazon Alexa; Apple; eBay; et al.; Google; Microsoft 17th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2016. 08-12-September-2016:1825-1829
"Strengthening a consolidated memory: The key role of the reconsolidation process" (2014) Forcato, C.; Fernandez, R.S.; Pedreira, M.E. Journal of Physiology Paris. 108(4-6):323-333
"Reconsolidation of Declarative Memory" (2013) Pedreira, M.E. Memory Reconsolidation:213-232