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The idea that memories are immutable after consolidation has been challenged. The reconsolidation process offers the possibility of modifying previously stored information. This process has been described in different animal models and in human memory paradigms. This chapter revisits findings obtained with a declarative memory paradigm developed in our laboratory. Our research demonstrates the existence of the reconsolidation process for declarative memory, characterizes its boundary conditions, and studies its functions. The study of this process in a memory type that is a hallmark of humans supports the idea that some mechanisms are conserved across evolution. Moreover, this profound description of the features of reconsolidation affords the opportunity to apply our current knowledge to the development of new therapies for traumatic memories, with the goal of modifying undesirable memories. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Documento: Parte de libro
Título:Reconsolidation of Declarative Memory
Autor:Pedreira, M.E.
Filiación:Laboratorio de Neurobiología de la Memoria, FCEN UBA, IFIBYNE-CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Declarative memory; Mismatch; Reminder structure; Strengthening function; Updating function
Página de inicio:213
Página de fin:232
Título revista:Memory Reconsolidation
Título revista abreviado:Memory Reconsol.


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(2013) . Reconsolidation of Declarative Memory. Memory Reconsolidation, 213-232.
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Pedreira, M.E. "Reconsolidation of Declarative Memory" . Memory Reconsolidation (2013) : 213-232.
---------- MLA ----------
Pedreira, M.E. "Reconsolidation of Declarative Memory" . Memory Reconsolidation, 2013, pp. 213-232.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Pedreira, M.E. Reconsolidation of Declarative Memory. Memory Reconsol. 2013:213-232.