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mechanical stress
"Strain induced anisotropy change in ultrathin Fe films grown on MnAs(110)/GaAs(001)" (2013) Helman, C.; Llois, A.M. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 49(8):4675-4678
"A model for the dependence of the electrical conductance with the applied stress in insulating-conducting composites" (2010) Negri, R.M.;Rodriguez, S.D.;Bernik, D.L. (...)Perez, O. Journal of Applied Physics. 107(11)
"Mechanical strain induces involution-associated events in mammary epithelial cells" (2009) Quaglino, A.;Salierno, M.;Pellegrotti, J. (...)Kordon, E.C. BMC Cell Biology. 10
"Cryografts implantation in human circulation would ensure a physiological transition in the arterial wall energetics, damping and wave reflection" (2008) Santana Bia, D.;Barra, J.G.;Armentano, R.L. (...)Cabrera Fischer, E.I. Physiological Research. 57(3):351-363
"Leading-edge vortex stability in insect wings" (2005) Minotti, F.O.; Speranza, E. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 71(5)