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land use change
"Recent environmental changes inferred from sediments in a shallow lake of the Argentinian pampas" (2019) Plastani, M.S.;Laprida, C.;Montes de Oca, F. (...)Lami, A. Journal of Paleolimnology. 61(1):37-52
"Global-change drivers of ecosystem functioning modulated by natural variability and saturating responses" (2017) Flombaum, P.; Yahdjian, L.; Sala, O.E. Global Change Biology. 23(2):503-511
"Partition of some key regulating services in terrestrial ecosystems: Meta-analysis and review" (2016) Viglizzo, E.F.; Jobbágy, E.G.; Ricard, M.F.; Paruelo, J.M. Science of the Total Environment. 562:47-60
"Does land use change alter water and nutrient dynamics of phreatophytic trees in the Central Monte desert?" (2016) Meglioli, P.A.; Villagra, P.E.; Aranibar, J.N. Ecohydrology. 9(5):738-752
"Ecological and social consequences of the Forest Transition Theory as applied to the Argentinean Great Chaco" (2016) Matteucci, S.D.; Totino, M.; Arístide, P. Land Use Policy. 51:8-17
"Evapotranspiration of subtropical forests and tree plantations: A comparative analysis at different temporal and spatial scales" (2015) Cristiano, P.M.;Campanello, P.I.;Bucci, S.J. (...)Goldstein, G. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 203:96-106
"Burrowing activity by armadillos in agroecosystems of central Argentina: Biogeography, land use, and rainfall effects" (2015) Abba, A.M.; Zufiaurre, E.; Codesido, M.; Bilenca, D.N. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 200:54-61
"Rainfall trends, land use change and adaptation in the Chaco salteño region of Argentina" (2014) Murgida, A.M.; González, M.H.; Tiessen, H. Regional Environmental Change. 14(4):1387-1394
"Rainfall trends, land use change and adaptation in the Chaco salteño region of Argentina" (2014) Murgida, A.M.; González, M.H.; Tiessen, H. Regional Environmental Change:1-8
"Changes in forest structure and tree recruitment in Argentinean Chaco: Effects of fragment size and landscape forest cover" (2013) Torrella, S.A.; Ginzburg, R.G.; Adámoli, J.M.; Galetto, L. Forest Ecology and Management. 307:147-154
"Components of woody plant diversity in semi-arid Chaco forests with heterogeneous land use and disturbance histories" (2012) Tálamo, A.; de Casenave, J.L.; Caziani, S.M. Journal of Arid Environments. 85:79-85
"Effects of land-use changes on climate in southern South America" (2012) Pessacg, N.L.; Solman, S. Climate Research. 55(1):33-51
"Agricultural land-use, avian nesting and rarity in the Pampas of central Argentina" (2012) Codesido, M.; González-Fischer, C.; Bilenca, D. Emu. 112(1):46-54
"Long-term variations in rodent abundance in a rural landscape of the Pampas, Argentina" (2012) Fraschina, J.; León, V.A.; Busch, M. Ecological Research. 27(1):191-202
"Groundwater vulnerability assessment combining the drastic and Dyna-CLUE model in the Argentine Pampas" (2011) Lima, M.L.; Zelaya, K.; Massone, H. Environmental Management. 47(5):828-839
"Attribution of the river flow growth in the Plata Basin" (2011) Doyle, M.E.; Barros, V.R. International Journal of Climatology. 31(15):2234-2248
"Attribution of the river flow growth in the Plata Basin" (2011) Doyle, M.E.; Barros, V.R. International Journal of Climatology. 31(15):2234-2248
"Individual plant and population biomass of dominant shrubs in Patagonian grazed fields" (2010) Oñatibia, G.R.; Aguiar, M.R.; Cipriotti, P.A.; Troiano, F. Ecologia Austral. 20(3):269-279
"Effects of history of use on secondary forest regeneration in the Upper Parana Atlantic Forest (Misiones, Argentina)" (2009) Holz, S.; Placci, G.; Quintana, R.D. Forest Ecology and Management. 258(7):1629-1642
"Land use impact on the Uruguay River discharge" (2008) Saurral, R.I.; Barros, V.R.; Lettenmaier, D.P. Geophysical Research Letters. 35(12)
"Range contraction in the pampas meadowlark Sturnella defilippii in the southern pampas grasslands of Argentina" (2004) Gabelli, F.M.;Fernández, G.J.;Ferretti, V. (...)Tubaro, P.L. ORYX. 38(2):164-170