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Health risks
"Melamine contamination in milk powder in Uruguay" (2018) García Londoño, V.A.; Puñales, M.; Reynoso, M.; Resnik, S. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B Surveillance. 11(1):15-19
"Analyzing the spread of chagas disease with mobile phone data" (2016) De Monasterio, J.;Salles, A.;Lang, C. (...)ACM SIGMOD; Association for Computing Machinery (ACM); et al.; IEEE; IEEE Computer Society; IEEE TCDE 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2016:607-612
"Effect of arsenic on reflectance spectra and chlorophyll fluorescence of aquatic plants" (2015) Iriel, A.; Dundas, G.; Fernández Cirelli, A.; Lagorio, M.G. Chemosphere. 119:697-703
"Integrated e-health approach based on vascular ultrasound and pulse wave analysis for asymptomatic atherosclerosis detection and cardiovascular risk stratification in the community" (2012) Santana, D.B.; Zócalo, Y.A.; Armentano, R.L. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine. 16(2):287-294