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"Hydraulic constraints on photosynthesis in subtropical evergreen broad leaf forest and pine woodland trees of the Florida Everglades" (2010) Jones, T.J.; Luton, C.D.; Santiago, L.S.; Goldstein, G. Trees - Structure and Function. 24(3):471-478
"Hydraulic constraints on photosynthesis in subtropical evergreen broad leaf forest and pine woodland trees of the Florida Everglades" (2010) Jones, T.J.; Luton, C.D.; Santiago, L.S.; Goldstein, G. Trees - Structure and Function. 24(3):471-478
"Absorption and scattering coefficients: A biophysical-chemistry experiment using reflectance spectroscopy" (2007) Cordon, G.B.; Lagorio, M.G. Journal of Chemical Education. 84(7):1167-1170
"Modeling the drying of a deep bed of ilex paraguariensis in an industrial belt conveyor dryer" (2007) Schmalko, M.E.; Peralta, J.M.; Alzamora, S.M. Drying Technology. 25(12):1967-1975
"Modeling the drying of a deep bed of ilex paraguariensis in an industrial belt conveyor dryer" (2007) Schmalko, M.E.; Peralta, J.M.; Alzamora, S.M. Drying Technology. 25(12):1967-1975
"Effects of species mixtures on growth and stand development of Douglas-fir and red alder" (2006) Radosevich, S.R.; Hibbs, D.E.; Ghersa, C.M. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 36(3):768-782
"Comparative analysis of variables associated with germination and seedling establishment for Prosopis nigra (Griseb.) Hieron and Acacia caven (Mol.) Mol." (2003) Pratolongo, P.; Quintana, R.; Malvárez, I.; Cagnoni, M. Forest Ecology and Management. 179(1-3):15-25