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"Crustal and Mantle Structure Beneath the Southern Payenia Volcanic Province Using Gravity and Magnetic Data" (2019) Astort, A.;Colavitto, B.;Sagripanti, L. (...)Folguera, A. Tectonics. 38(1):144-158
"Shadows of rotating black holes in alternative theories" (2018) Amarilla, L.;Eiroa, E.F.;Ruffini R. (...)Jantzen R.T. 14th Marcel Grossman Meeting On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories:3543-3548
"WAdS3/CFT2 correspondence in presence of bulk massive gravitons" (2018) Donnay, L.;Giribet, G.;Ruffini R. (...)Jantzen R.T. 14th Marcel Grossman Meeting On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories:4216-4221
"Dark matter candidates, helicity effects and new affine gravity with torsion" (2017) Alvarez-Castillo, D.; Cirilo-Lombardo, D.J.; Zamora-Saa, J. Journal of High Energy Astrophysics. 13-14:10-16
"Non-Riemannian generalizations of Born-Infeld models and trace free gravitational equations" (2017) Cirilo-Lombardo, D.J.; Vojinovic M.; Salom I.; Dragovich B. 9th Mathematical Physics Meeting: School and Conference on Modern Mathematical Physics:105-133
"Hairy Lovelock black holes and Stueckelberg mechanism for Weyl symmetry" (2016) Chernicoff, M.;Giribet, G.;Oliva, J. (...)Roig P. 30th Annual Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields (DPyC) of the Mexican Physical Society and 15th Mexican Workshop on Particles and Fields, MWPF 2015. 761(1)
"Absolute densities, masses, and radii of the WASP-47 system determined dynamically" (2016) Almenara, J.M.; Diáz, R.F.; Bonfils, X.; Udry, S. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 595
"Supertranslations and Superrotations at the Black Hole Horizon" (2016) Donnay, L.; Giribet, G.; González, H.A.; Pino, M. Physical Review Letters. 116(9)
"New massive gravity on de sitter space and black holes at the special point" (2015) Gabadadze, G.;Giribet, G.;Iglesias, A. (...)Ruffini R. 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theories, MG13 2012(210699):2516-2518
"GOCE derived vertical gravity gradient delineates great earthquake rupture zones along the Chilean margin" (2014) Álvarez, O.;Nacif, S.;Gimenez, M. (...)Braitenberg, C. Tectonophysics. 622:198-215
"Quasinormal modes and thermodynamical aspects of the 3D Lifshitz black hole" (2013) Cuadros-Melgar, B.; De Oliveira, J.; Pellicer, C.E. 15th Conference on Recent Developments in Gravity, NEB 2012. 453(1)
"IMBHs in globular clusters: Accretion rate correlations with cluster parameters" (2013) Pepe, C.;Pellizza, L.J.;Castellani M. (...)Di Criscienzo M. 2012 Reading the Book of Globular Clusters with the Lens of Stellar Evolution. 84(1):133-136
"Decoherence and loss of entanglement in acoustic black holes" (2012) Lombardo, F.C.; Turiaci, G.J. Physical Review Letters. 108(26)
"Stellar black holes at the dawn of the universe" (2011) Mirabel, I.F.;Dijkstra, M.;Laurent, P. (...)Pritchard, J.R. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 528
"Self-similar collapse of a circular cavity of a power-law liquid" (2010) Gratton, J.; Perazzo, C.A. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 165(3-4):158-162
"Global gravity wave activity in the tropopause region from CHAMP radio occultation data" (2008) Schmidt, T.; de la Torre, A.; Wickert, J. Geophysical Research Letters. 35(16)
"Oxygen abundance variations in coronal streamers affected by CMES" (2006) Vásquez, A.M.; Raymond, J.C. SOHO-17: 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond(617)
"Exact Casimir interaction between eccentric cylinders" (2006) Dalvit, D.A.R.; Lombardo, F.C.; Mazzitelli, F.D.; Onofrio, R. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 74(2)
"The particle problem in classical gravity: A historical note on 1941" (2005) Galvagno, M.; Giribet, G. European Journal of Physics. 26(6):S97-S110
"Navier-Stokes solutions for parallel flow in rivulets on an inclined plane" (2004) Perazzo, C.A.; Gratton, J. Journal of Fluid Mechanics(507):367-379
"Three-dimensional nature of ion transport in thin-layer electrodeposition" (2003) Marshall, G.; Mocskos, E.; Molina, F.B.; Dengra, S. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 68(2 1):021607-1-021607-8
"Thin film of non-Newtonian fluid on an incline" (2003) Perazzo, C.A.; Gratton, J. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 67(1 2):163071-163076
"Einstein's gravitational action and Fisher's information measure" (2002) Chimento, L.P.; Pennini, F.; Plastino, A. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 293(3-4):133-140
"Universal formulation for the N-body problem" (1996) Zadunaisky, P.E.; Giordano, C.M. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 19(4):921-928