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Glucosephosphate Dehydrogenase
"Two novel DNA variants associated with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency found in Argentine pediatric patients" (2016) Chaves, A.;Eberle, S.E.;Defelipe, L. (...)Feliú-Torres, A. Clinical Biochemistry. 49(10-11):808-810
"Alterations of the redox state, pentose pathway and glutathione metabolism in an acute porphyria model. their impact on heme pathway" (2013) Faut, M.; Paiz, A.; de Viale, L.C.S.M.; Mazzetti, M.B. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 238(2):133-143
"Hepatic indices of thyroid status in rats treated with hexachlorobenzene" (1995) de Pisarev, D.L.K.; de Sancovich, A.M.F.; Sancovich, H.A. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation. 18(4):271-276
"Enzymic synthesis of 6-deoxy-α-D-glucopyranosyl α-D-glucopyranoside and α-D-xylopyranosyl α-D-glucopyranoside" (1971) Belocopitow, E.; Marechal, L.R.; Gros, E.O. Carbohydrate Research. 19(2):268-271
"Erythrocyte adenosine triphosphatases in tocopherol-deficient rabbits" (1966) Farias, R.N.; Celis, T.F.R.; Goldemberg, A.L.; Trucco, R.E. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 116(C):34-38