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Fuzzy sets
"Logics for approximate and strong entailments" (2012) Esteva, F.; Godo, L.; Rodríguez, R.O.; Vetterlein, T. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 197:59-70
"On the computing power of fuzzy Turing machines" (2008) Bedregal, B.C.; Figueira, S. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 159(9):1072-1083
"Classical computability and fuzzy Turing machines" (2006) Bedregal, B.R.C.; Figueira, S. LATIN 2006: Theoretical Informatics - 7th Latin American Symposium. 3887 LNCS:154-165
"Determination of three-center bond indices from population analyses: A fuzzy atom treatment" (2005) Torre, A.; Alcoba, D.R.; Lain, L.; Bochicchio, R.C. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 109(29):6587-6591
"A hybrid promoter analysis methodology for prokaryotic genomes" (2005) Cotik, V.; Romero Zaliz, R.; Zwir, I. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 152(1):83-102
"A hybrid promoter analysis methodology for prokaryotic genomes" (2005) Cotik, V.; Romero Zaliz, R.; Zwir, I. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 152(1):83-102
"On implicative closure operators in approximate reasoning" (2003) Rodríguez, R.O.; Esteva, F.; Garcia, P.; Godo, L. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 33(2):159-184
"A hierarchical knowledge-based environment for linguistic modeling: Models and iterative methodology" (2003) Cordón, O.; Herrera, F.; Zwir, I. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 138(2):307-341
"Linguistic modeling with hierarchical systems of weighted linguistic rules" (2003) Alcalá, R.;Cano, J.R.;Cordón, O. (...)Zwir, I. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 32(2-3):187-215
"Linguistic modeling by hierarchical systems of linguistic rules" (2002) Cordón, O.; Herrera, F.; Zwir, I. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 10(1):2-20
"Automated Biological Sequence description and recognition by a localized multiobjective genetic algorithm" (2002) Zwir, I.; Romero Zaliz, R. Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, JCIS 2002. 6:586-589
"Analyzing and extending hierarchical systems of linguistic rules" (2001) Cordón, O.;Herrera, F.;Zwir, I. (...)Hall L.O. Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference. 2:1121-1126
"Fuzzy modeling by hierarchically built fuzzy rule bases" (2001) Cordón, O.; Herrera, F.; Zwir, I. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 27(1):61-93