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expression vector
"Fluorinated oxysterol analogues: Synthesis, molecular modelling and LXRβ activity" (2017) Rodriguez, C.R.;Alvarez, L.D.;Dansey, M.V. (...)Burton, G. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 165:268-276
"How Slow RNA Polymerase II Elongation Favors Alternative Exon Skipping" (2014) Dujardin, G.;Lafaille, C.;de la Mata, M. (...)Kornblihtt, A.R. Molecular Cell. 54(4):683-690
"Trypanosoma cruzi amino acid transporter TcAAAP411 mediates arginine uptake in yeasts" (2010) Carrillo, C.;Canepa, G.E.;Giacometti, A. (...)Pereira, C.A. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 306(2):97-102
"Targeting tumor-associated macrophages and inhibition of MCP-1 reduce angiogenesis and tumor growth in a human melanoma xenograft" (2007) Gazzaniga, S.;Bravo, A.I.;Guglielmotti, A. (...)Wainstok, R. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 127(8):2031-2041
"Expression of exogenous genes in Trypanosoma cruzi: Improving vectors and electroporation protocols" (2004) DaRocha, W.D.;Silva, R.A.;Bartholomeu, D.C. (...)Teixeira, S.M.R. Parasitology Research. 92(2):113-120
"Integration of expression vectors into the ribosomal locus of Trypanosoma cruzi" (2003) Lorenzi, H.A.; Vazquez, M.P.; Levin, M.J. Gene. 310(1-2):91-99
"Integration of expression vectors into the ribosomal locus of Trypanosoma cruzi" (2003) Lorenzi, H.A.; Vazquez, M.P.; Levin, M.J. Gene. 310(1-2):91-99
"Overexpression and refolding of the hydrophobic ribosomal P0 protein from Trypanosoma cruzi: A component of the P1/P2/P0 complex" (2001) Juri Ayub, M.; Levin, M.J.; Aguilar, C.F. Protein Expression and Purification. 22(2):225-233
"Expression and biochemical characterisation of recombinant AceA, a bacterial α-mannosyltransferase" (1999) Geremia, R.A.;Roux, M.;Ferreiro, D.U. (...)Ielpi, L. Molecular and General Genetics. 261(6):933-940
"Generation of full-length cDNA recombinant vectors for the transient expression of human fibronectin in mammalian cell lines" (1991) Dufour, S.;Gutman, A.;Bois, F. (...)Kornblihtt, A.R. Experimental Cell Research. 193(2):331-338