Lista de

"β-Adrenergic inhibitory effect of alloimmune antibody on isolated oviductal tract of mice" (1984) Borda, E.S.;Genaro, A.M.;Cremaschi, G.A. (...)Sterin-Borda, L. European Journal of Pharmacology. 100(2):195-200
"Sexual differences in the serotonergic control of prolactin and luteinizing hormone secretion in the rat" (1984) De Villalobos, D.B.; Lux, V.A.R.; De Mengido, I.L.; Libertun, C. Endocrinology. 115(1):84-89
"Ovarian Dysfunction in Streptozotocin-lnduced Diabetic Rats" (1983) Tesone, M.;Ladenheim, R.G.;Oliveira-Filho, R.M. (...)Charreau, E.H. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 174(1):123-130