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"Predictive outcomes for HER2-enriched cancer using growth and metastasis signatures driven by SPARC" (2017) Guttlein, L.N.;Benedetti, L.G.;Fresno, C. (...)Podhajcer, O.L. Molecular Cancer Research. 15(3):304-316
"Experimental assessment of rodent control on two poultry farms of central Argentina" (2009) Gómez Villafañe, I.E.; Miñarro, F.O.; Valenzuela, L.; Bilenca, D.N. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 18(3):622-629
"Mus musculus abundance in poultry farms: Local vs spatial effects " (2007) León, V.; Guidobono, J.S.; Busch, M. Ecologia Austral. 17(2):189-198
"Controlled experiments to study corrosion effects due to external varying fields in embedded pipelines" (2006) López, E.; Osella, A.; Martino, L. Corrosion Science. 48(2):389-403
"Progesterone up-regulates neuronal brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in the injured spinal cord" (2004) González, S.L.;Labombarda, F.;González Deniselle, M.C. (...)De Nicola, A.F. Neuroscience. 125(3):605-614
"Effects of refuge availability on the population dynamics of Triatoma infestans in central Argentina" (2003) Cecere, M.C.; Canale, D.M.; Gürtler, R.E. Journal of Applied Ecology. 40(4):742-756
"Triatoma infestans can be captured under natural climatic conditions using yeast-baited traps" (1998) Lorenzo, M.G.; Reisenman, C.E.; Lazzari, C.R. Acta Tropica. 70(3):277-284
"Antidiuretic responses to osmotic cutaneous stimulation in the toad, Bufo arenarum - A possible adaptive control mechanism for urine production" (1989) Petriella, S.; Reboreda, J.C.; Otero, M.; Segura, E.T. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 159(1):91-95