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Consciousness Disorders
"Probing consciousness in a sensory-disconnected paralyzed patient" (2017) Rohaut, B.;Raimondo, F.;Galanaud, D. (...)Naccache, L. Brain Injury. 31(10):1398-1403
"Large scale screening of neural signatures of consciousness in patients in a vegetative or minimally conscious state" (2014) Sitt, J.D.;King, J.-R.;El Karoui, I. (...)Naccache, L. Brain. 137(8):2258-2270
"Possibilities and limits of mind-reading: A neurophilosophical perspective" (2013) Evers, K.; Sigman, M. Consciousness and Cognition. 22(3):887-897
"Classical conditioning in the vegetative and minimally conscious state" (2009) Bekinschtein, T.A.;Shalom, D.E.;Forcato, C. (...)Sigman, M. Nature Neuroscience. 12(10):1343-1349