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Bellingshausen Sea
"On the temporal variability of intermediate and deep waters in the Western Basin of the Bransfield Strait" (2018) Ruiz Barlett, E.M.;Tosonotto, G.V.;Piola, A.R. (...)Mata, M.M. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 149:31-46
"Predictability of the tropospheric circulation in the southern hemisphere from CHFP models" (2016) Osman, M.; Vera, C.S.; Doblas-Reyes, F.J. Climate Dynamics. 46(7-8):2423-2434
"Sea ice concentration variability over the Southern Ocean and its impact on precipitation in southeastern South America" (2014) Saurral, R.; Barros, V.; Camilloni, I. International Journal of Climatology. 34(7):2362-2377
"The classification of Antarctic appendicularians: The Oikopleura gaussica group" (2003) Capitanio, F.L.; Daponte, M.C.; Esnal, G.B. Antarctic Science. 15(4):476-482
"The ecology and biogeography of tintinnid ciliates in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean" (1991) Alder, V.A.; Boltovskoy, D. Marine Chemistry. 35(1-4):337-346