Lista de

"Adverse effect of agroecosystem pond water on biological endpoints of common toad (Rhinella arenarum) tadpoles" (2016) Babini, M.S.; Bionda, C.L.; Salas, N.E.; Martino, A.L. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 188(8)
"Differential use of crop and livestock fields by land birds in the Pampas region, Argentina " (2016) Zufiaurre, E.; Codesido, M.; Abba, A.M.; Bilenca, D. Hornero. 31(1)
"Agricultural land-use, avian nesting and rarity in the Pampas of central Argentina" (2012) Codesido, M.; González-Fischer, C.; Bilenca, D. Emu. 112(1):46-54
"Long-term variations in rodent abundance in a rural landscape of the Pampas, Argentina" (2012) Fraschina, J.; León, V.A.; Busch, M. Ecological Research. 27(1):191-202
"A contribution from Barn Owl pellets analysis to known micromammalian distributions in Buenos Aires province, Argentina" (2010) Teta, P.; González-Fischer, C.M.; Codesido, M.; Bilenca, D.N. Mammalia. 74(1):97-103
"Land use patterns and bird assemblages in agroecosystems of the Pampean Region, Argentina " (2008) Codesido, M.; González Fischer, C.; Bilenca, D. Ornitologia Neotropical. 19(SUPPL):575-585
"Effects of cereal harvest on abundance and spatial distribution of the rodent Akodon azarae in central Argentina" (2005) Cavia, R.;Gómez Villafañe, I.E.;Cittadino, E.A. (...)Busch, M. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 107(1):95-99
"Characteristics of dispersing pampean grassland mice (Akodon azarae) in agroecosystems of central Argentina" (2002) Cittadino, E.A.; Bilenca, D.N.; Busch, M.; Kravetz, F.O. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 37(1):1-7