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wind field
"Zonda downslope winds in the central Andes of South America in a 20-year climate simulation with the Eta model" (2017) Antico, P.L.; Chou, S.C.; Mourão, C. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 128(1-2):291-299
"Aerosol properties and meteorological conditions in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, during the resuspension of volcanic ash from the Puyehue-Cordón Caulle eruption" (2016) Ulke, A.G.; Brizuela, M.M.T.; Raga, G.B.; Baumgardner, D. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 16(9):2159-2175
"Verification of a Synthesized Method for the Calculation of Low-Level Climatological Wind Fields Using a Mesoscale Boundary-Layer Model" (2012) Berri, G.J.; Nuin, J.S.G.; Sraibman, L.; Bertossa, G. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 142(2):329-337
"Verification of a Synthesized Method for the Calculation of Low-Level Climatological Wind Fields Using a Mesoscale Boundary-Layer Model" (2012) Berri, G.J.; Nuin, J.S.G.; Sraibman, L.; Bertossa, G. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 142(2):329-337
"Low-level wind field climatology over the La Plata River region obtained with a mesoscale atmospheric boundary layer model forced with local weather observations" (2010) Berri, G.J.; Sraibman, L.; Tanco, R.A.; Bertossa, G. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 49(6):1293-1305
"Environment associated with deep moist convection under SALLJ conditions: A case study" (2010) Borque, P.; Salio, P.; Nicolini, M.; Skabar, Y.G. Weather and Forecasting. 25(3):970-984
"Simulations of tephra dispersal from the 1991 explosive eruptions of Hudson volcano, Chile" (2010) Kratzmann, D.J.;Carey, S.N.;Fero, J. (...)Naranjo, J.-A. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 190(3-4):337-352