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"Rolling contact fatigue behavior of Ti/TiN coated ADI by cathodic arc deposition" (2017) Colombo, D.A.; Massone, J.M.; Echeverría, M.D.; Márquez, A.B. Ceramics International. 43(5):4263-4271
"Response of some microorganisms to ultraviolet treatment on fresh-cut pear" (2008) Schenk, M.; Guerrero, S.; Alzamora, S.M. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 1(4):384-392
"Response of some microorganisms to ultraviolet treatment on fresh-cut pear" (2008) Schenk, M.; Guerrero, S.; Alzamora, S.M. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 1(4):384-392
"Response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to the combined action of ultrasound and low weight chitosan" (2005) Guerrero, S.; Tognon, M.; Alzamora, S.M. Food Control. 16(2):131-139
"Dielectric breakdown model for conductor-loaded and insulator-loaded composite materials" (2004) Bergero, P.;Peruani, F.;Solovey, G. (...)Mola, E.E. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 69(1 2):161231-161236
"Dielectric breakdown model for composite materials" (2003) Peruani, F.;Solovey, G.;Irurzun, I.M. (...)Vicente, J.L. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 67(6 2):066121-1-066121-6