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Trees (mathematics)
"Ecient type checking for path polymorphism" (2018) Edi, J.;Viso, A.;Bonelli, E. (...)European Regional Development Fund 21st International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES 2015. 69:61-623
"Bisimulations on data graphs" (2018) Abriola, S.; Barceló, P.; Figueira, D.; Figueira, S. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. 61:171-213
"Axiomatizations for downward XPath on data trees" (2017) Abriola, S.; Descotte, M.E.; Fervari, R.; Figueira, S. Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 89:209-245
"Logics of repeating values on data trees and branching counter systems" (2017) Abriola, S.;Figueira, D.;Figueira, S. (...)Murawski A.S. 20th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, FOSSACS 2017. 10203 LNCS:196-212
"Model theory of XPath on data trees. Part II: Binary bisimulation and definability" (2017) Abriola, S.; Descotte, M.E.; Figueira, S. Information and Computation. 255:195-223
"b-Coloring is NP-hard on Co-bipartite Graphs and Polytime Solvable on Tree-Cographs" (2015) Bonomo, F.; Schaudt, O.; Stein, M.; Valencia-Pabon, M. Algorithmica. 73(2):289-305
"Human and biophysical drivers of fires in Semiarid Chaco mountains of Central Argentina" (2015) Argañaraz, J.P.;Gavier Pizarro, G.;Zak, M. (...)Bellis, L.M. Science of the Total Environment. 520:1-12
"b-Coloring is NP-hard on co-bipartite graphs and polytime solvable on tree-cographs" (2014) Bonomo, F.;Schaudt, O.;Stein, M. (...)Associacao Portuguesa de Investigacao Operacional; de Lisboa, Centro de Investigacao Operacional; Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade; Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia; Instituto Nacional de Estatistica; Universite Paris-Dauphine, LAMSADE 3rd International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, ISCO 2014. 8596 LNCS:100-111
"Probe interval graphs and probe unit interval graphs on superclasses of cographs" (2013) Bonomo, F.; Durán, G.; Grippo, L.N.; Safe, M.D. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. 15(2):177-194
"Isomorphism of graph classes related to the circular-ones property" (2013) Curtis, A.R.;Lin, M.C.;McConnell, R.M. (...)Szwarcfiter, J.L. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. 15(1):157-182
"Linearizing bad sequences: Upper bounds for the product and majoring well quasi-orders" (2012) Abriola, S.; Figueira, S.; Senno, G. 19th International Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation, WoLLIC 2012. 7456 LNCS:110-126
"Evaluating geometric queries using few arithmetic operations" (2012) Grimson, R.; Heintz, J.; Kuijpers, B. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing. 23(3-4):179-193
"Minimum sum set coloring of trees and line graphs of trees" (2011) Bonomo, F.; Durn, G.; Marenco, J.; Valencia-Pabon, M. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 159(5):288-294
"Enforcing structural invariants using dynamic frames" (2011) Garbervetsky, D.; Gorín, D.; Neisen, A. 17th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2011, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2011. 6605 LNCS:65-80
"Partial characterizations of circle graphs" (2011) Bonomo, F.; Durán, G.; Grippo, L.N.; Safe, M.D. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 159(16):1699-1706
"Retentivity of RRAM devices based on metal/YBCO interfaces" (2011) Schulman, A.; Acha, C. 2011 MRS Spring Meeting. 1337:103-107
"On the time-space complexity of geometric elimination procedures" (2001) Heintz, J.; Matera, G.; Waissbein, A. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing. 11(4):239-296