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Synthesis techniques
"Synthesizing nonanomalous event-based controllers for liveness goals" (2013) D'Ippolito, N.; Braberman, V.; Piterman, N.; Uchitel, S. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. 22(1)
"Behavioural validation of software engineering artefacts" (2010) De Caso, G. 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2010. 2:335-336
"Behavioural validation of software engineering artefacts" (2010) De Caso, G. 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2010. 2:505-506
"A scheduler synthesis methodology for joint SW/HW design exploration of SoC" (2010) Assayad, I.; Yovine, S. Design Automation for Embedded Systems. 14(2):75-103
"Synthesis of partial behavior models from properties and scenarios" (2009) Uchitel, S.; Brunet, G.; Chechik, M. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 35(3):384-406