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Sun: UV radiation
"Energy input flux in the global quiet-sun corona" (2017) Mac Cormack, C.;Vásquez, A.M.;López Fuentes, M. (...)Frazin, R.A. Astrophysical Journal. 843(1)
"Comparison of 30 THz impulsive burst time development to microwaves, Hα, EUV, and GOES soft X-rays" (2016) Miteva, R.;Kaufmann, P.;Cabezas, D.P. (...)White, S.M. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 586
"Comparison of solar radio and extreme ultraviolet synoptic limb charts during the present solar maximum" (2016) Oliveira E Silva, A.J.; Selhorst, C.L.; Simões, P.J.A.; Giménez De Castro, C.G. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 592
"Multimodal differential emission measure in the solar corona" (2015) Nuevo, F.A.; Vásquez, A.M.; Landi, E.; Frazin, R. Astrophysical Journal. 811(2)
"Evolution of the global temperature structure of the solar corona during the minimum between solar cycles 23 and 24" (2013) Manchester IV, W.B.;Nuevo, F.A.;Huang, Z. (...)Vásquez, A.M. Astrophysical Journal. 773(1)
"Improving the Ni i atomic model for solar and stellar atmospheric models" (2013) Vieytes, M.C.; Fontenla, J.M. Astrophysical Journal. 769(2)
"Newly discovered global temperature structures in the quiet sun at solar minimum" (2012) Huang, Z.;Frazin, R.A.;Landi, E. (...)Gombosi, T.I. Astrophysical Journal. 755(2)
"The 3D solar minimum with differential emission measure tomography" (2011) Vásquez, A.M.;Frazin, R.A.;Huang, Z. (...)Webb D.F. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 7(S286):123-133
"SOHO/ACE observations of two consecutive CMEs from the same source region" (2010) Schettino, G.;Dasso, S.;Mandrini, C.H. (...)Romoli, M. 12th International Solar Wind Conference. 1216:420-423
"Quantitative, three-dimensional analysis of the global corona with multi-spacecraft differential emission measure tomography" (2009) Frazin, R.A.; Vsquez, A.M.; Kamalabadi, F. Astrophysical Journal. 701(1):547-560
"Are constant loop widths an artifact of the background and the spatial resolution?" (2008) López Fuentes, M.C.; Démoulin, P.; Klimchuk, J.A. Astrophysical Journal. 673(1):586-597
"Oxygen abundance in coronal streamers" (2005) Vásquez, A.M.; Raymond, J.C. Astrophysical Journal. 619(2 I):1132-1141
"Flows in the solar atmosphere due to the eruptions on the 15th July, 2002" (2005) Harra, L.K.;Démoulin, P.;Mandrini, C.H. (...)Fletcher, L. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 438(3):1099-1106
"The effect of proton temperature anisotropy on the solar minimum corona and wind" (2003) Vásquez, A.M.; Van Ballegooijen, A.A.; Raymond, J.C. Astrophysical Journal. 598(2 I):1361-1374
"Bright points and subflares in ultraviolet lines and X-rays" (1999) Rovira, M.;Schmieder, B.;Démoulin, P. (...)Tandberg-Hanssen, E. Astrophysical Journal. 510(1 PART 1):474-484
"Ultraviolet events observed in active regions. II. An interpretation of flaring arches and associated small flares" (1997) Fontenla, J.; Rovira, M.; Tandberg-Hanssen, E. Astrophysical Journal. 491(2 PART I):925-932
"Prominence thread models including ambipolar diffusion" (1996) Fontenla, J.M.; Rovira, M.; Vial, J.-C.; Gouttebroze, P. Astrophysical Journal. 466(1 PART I):496-511