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secondary forest
"Habitat occupancy of the Dusky-legged Guan in the lower delta of the Paraná River, Argentina" (2013) Malzof, S.L.; Bolkovic, M.L.; Thompson, J.J.; Quintana, R.D. Bird Conservation International. 23(1):83-90
"Community structure of ground-water breeding mosquitoes driven by land use in a temperate wetland of Argentina" (2011) Cardo, M.V.; Darío, V.; Eduardo, C.A. Acta Tropica. 119(2-3):76-83
"Relationship between vegetation of the levee neo-ecosystems and environmental heterogeneity in the Lower Delta of the Paraná River, Argentina" (2011) Kalesnik, F.; Aceñolaza, P.; Hurtado, M.; Martínez, J. Water and Environment Journal. 25(1):88-98
"Relationship between vegetation of the levee neo-ecosystems and environmental heterogeneity in the Lower Delta of the Paraná River, Argentina" (2011) Kalesnik, F.; Aceñolaza, P.; Hurtado, M.; Martínez, J. Water and Environment Journal. 25(1):88-98
"Relationship between vegetation of the levee neo-ecosystems and environmental heterogeneity in the Lower Delta of the Paraná River, Argentina" (2011) Kalesnik, F.; Aceñolaza, P.; Hurtado, M.; Martínez, J. Water and Environment Journal. 25(1):88-98
"Effects of history of use on secondary forest regeneration in the Upper Parana Atlantic Forest (Misiones, Argentina)" (2009) Holz, S.; Placci, G.; Quintana, R.D. Forest Ecology and Management. 258(7):1629-1642