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Rat liver
"Alterations of the redox state, pentose pathway and glutathione metabolism in an acute porphyria model. their impact on heme pathway" (2013) Faut, M.; Paiz, A.; de Viale, L.C.S.M.; Mazzetti, M.B. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 238(2):133-143
"Response of glucose metabolism enzymes in an acute porphyria model: Role of reactive oxygen species" (2005) Lelli, S.M.; De Viale, L.C.S.M.; Mazzetti, M.B. Toxicology. 216(1):49-58
"Hepatic arachidonic acid metabolism is disrupted after hexachlorobenzene treatment" (2005) Billi De Catabbi, S.C.;Faletti, A.;Fuentes, F. (...)Cochón, A.C. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 204(2):187-195
"Effect of in vivo administered hexachlorobenzene on epidermal growth factor receptor levels, protein tyrosine kinase activity, and phosphotyrosine content in rat liver" (2003) Randi, A.S.;Sancovich, H.A.;Ferramola De Sancovich, A.M. (...)Kleiman De Pisarev, D.L. Biochemical Pharmacology. 65(9):1495-1506
"Comparison between crab hepatopancreas and rat liver uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase" (2002) Chaufan, G.;Corvi, M.;Armesto, A. (...)Ríos de Molina, M.C. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 133(2):251-256
"Function and structure of rat hepatic coproporphyrinogen oxidase" (2000) Sorianello, E.M.; Mazzetti, M.B. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 127(2):155-164