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"Challenging local realism with human choices" (2018) Abellán, C. Nature. 557(7704):212-216
"Natural sciences and environmental issues: A contribution from the philosophy of environmental sciences" (2017) Klier, G.;Busan, T.;Di Pasquo, F. (...)Folguera, G. International Journal of Environment and Health. 8(4):255-271
"Buddhism: Science, philosophy, religion" (2007) Tola, F.; Dragonetti, C. Pensamiento. 63(238):713-742
"Philosophy of mind in the Yogacara Buddhist idealistic school" (2005) Tola, F.; Dragonetti, C. History of Psychiatry. 16(4):453-465
"The analytic technique inside the 'grosstmogliche gegensatz' (maximal opposition) " (1982) Martinez Luque, E.M. Revista de Psicoanalisis. 39(1):85-96