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"Guidance of navigating honeybees by learned elongated ground structures" (2019) Menzel, R.;Tison, L.;Fischer-Nakai, J. (...)Greggers, U. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 12
"Responses of birds to planting of Lotus tenuis pasture in the Flooding Pampas, Argentina" (2015) Agra, M.; Bilenca, D.; Codesido, M. Emu. 115(3):270-276
"Groundwater vulnerability assessment combining the drastic and Dyna-CLUE model in the Argentine Pampas" (2011) Lima, M.L.; Zelaya, K.; Massone, H. Environmental Management. 47(5):828-839
"Effects of history of use on secondary forest regeneration in the Upper Parana Atlantic Forest (Misiones, Argentina)" (2009) Holz, S.; Placci, G.; Quintana, R.D. Forest Ecology and Management. 258(7):1629-1642
"Bird-habitat relationship in semi-arid natural grasslands and exotic pastures in the west pampas of Argentina" (2005) Isacch, J.P.;Maceira, N.O.;Bo, M.S. (...)Peluc, S. Journal of Arid Environments. 62(2):267-283
"Microhistological estimation of grass leaf blade percentages in pastures and diets" (2005) Sierra, P.V.; Cid, M.S.; Brizuela, M.A.; Ferri, C.M. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 58(2):207-214