Lista de

Negative refraction
"Dispersive characteristics of surface plasmon polaritons on negative refractive index gratings" (2011) Cuevas, M.; Depine, R.A. Optics Communications. 284(22):5242-5247
"Zero permeability and zero permittivity band gaps in 1D metamaterial photonic crystals" (2007) Depine, R.A.;Martínez-Ricci, M.L.;Monsoriu, J.A. (...)Andrés, P. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 364(3-4):352-355
"Application of the differential method to uniaxial gratings with an infinite number of refraction channels: Scalar case" (2006) Depine, R.A.; Inchaussandague, M.E.; Lakhtakia, A. Optics Communications. 258(2):90-96
"Application of the differential method to uniaxial gratings with an infinite number of refraction channels: Scalar case" (2006) Depine, R.A.; Inchaussandague, M.E.; Lakhtakia, A. Optics Communications. 258(2):90-96