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Mosquito Control
"Artificial container mosquitoes and first record of Aedes aegypti in the islands of the Paraná Lower Delta, Argentina" (2015) Cardo, M.V.; Rosín, P.; Carbajo, A.E.; Vezzani, D. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. 18(4):727-733
"Waiting for chikungunya fever in Argentina: Spatio-temporal risk maps" (2015) Carbajo, A.E.; Vezzani, D. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 110(2):259-262
"Waiting for chikungunya fever in Argentina: Spatio-temporal risk maps" (2015) Carbajo, A.E.; Vezzani, D. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 110(2):259-262
"Immature mosquitoes associated with Urban Parklands: Implications for water and mosquito management" (2013) Quiroga, L.; Fischer, S.; Schweigmann, N. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. 29(1):27-32
"Water use practices limit the effectiveness of a temephos-based Aedes aegypti larval control program in Northern Argentina." (2011) Garelli, F.M.;Espinosa, M.O.;Weinberg, D. (...)Gürtler, R.E. PLoS neglected tropical diseases. 5(3)
"Information, knowledge, and perception of dengue risk in Argentina: Two intervention experiments to generate local control strategies " (2009) Schweigmann, N.;Rizzotti, A.;Castiglia, G. (...)Serrano, C. Cadernos de Saude Publica. 25(SUPPL 1):S137-S148
"Review: Artificial container-breeding mosquitoes and cemeteries: A perfect match" (2007) Vezzani, D. Tropical Medicine and International Health. 12(2):299-313
"Review: Artificial container-breeding mosquitoes and cemeteries: A perfect match" (2007) Vezzani, D. Tropical Medicine and International Health. 12(2):299-313