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Missing at random
"Plug-in marginal estimation under a general regression model with missing responses and covariates" (2019) Bianco, A.M.; Boente, G.; González-Manteiga, W.; Pérez-González, A. Test. 28(1):106-146
"High breakdown point robust estimators with missing data" (2018) Statti, F.; Sued, M.; Yohai, V.J. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 47(21):5145-5162
"Robust inference for nonlinear regression models" (2017) Bianco, A.M.; Spano, P.M. Test:1-30
"Robust inference in partially linear models with missing responses" (2015) Bianco, A.M.; Boente, G.; González-Manteiga, W.; Pérez-González, A. Statistics and Probability Letters. 97:88-98
"Robust location estimation with missing data" (2013) Sued, M.; Yohai, V.J. Canadian Journal of Statistics. 41(1):111-132
"Improved double-robust estimation in missing data and causal inference models" (2012) Rotnitzky, A.; Lei, Q.; Sued, M.; Robins, J.M. Biometrika. 99(2):439-456