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"Torus mandibular " (2012) Dutto, M.; Achenbach, R.E. Revista Argentina de Dermatologia. 93(3)
"Effect of transdermal teriparatide administration on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women" (2010) Cosman, F.;Lane, N.E.;Bolognese, M.A. (...)Daddona, P.E. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 95(1):151-158
"Melatonin formation in pineal gland from rats with hexachlorobenzene experimental porphyria" (2007) Llambías, E.B.C.;Mazzetti, M.B.;Lelli, S.M. (...)De Viale, L.C.S.M. International Journal of Toxicology. 26(6):545-551
"Effect of copper on hatching and development of larvae of the estuarine crab Chasmagnathus granulata (Decapoda, Brachyura)" (2001) Zapata, V.; Greco, L.L.; Rodríguez, E.M. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(7):1579-1583
"Coproporfiria hereditaria. Estudios bioquimicos en 7 pacientes sintomaticos y familiares" (1998) Stella, A.M.;Melito, V.E.;Melito, V.A. (...)Del Batlle, A.M.C. Revista Argentina de Dermatologia. 79(3):144-152