Lista de

"A new Echimyidae (Rodentia, Hystricomorpha) from the late Miocene of southern South America" (2017) Olivares, A.I.; Verzi, D.H.; Contreras, V.H.; Pessôa, L. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 37(1)
"Phylogenetic affinities of the late Miocene echimyid †pampamys and the age of Thrichomys (Rodentia, Hystricognathi)" (2012) Olivares, A.I.; Verzi, D.H.; Vucetich, M.G.; Montalvo, C.I. Journal of Mammalogy. 93(1):76-86
"A test of Allen's rule in subterranean mammals: The genus Ctenomys (Caviomorpha, Ctenomyidae)" (2011) Bidau, C.J.; Martí, D.A.; Medina, A.I. Mammalia. 75(4):311-320
"Capybara social structure and dispersal patterns: Variations on a theme" (2011) Herrera, E.A.;Salas, V.;Congdon, E.R. (...)Tang-Martínez, Z. Journal of Mammalogy. 92(1):12-20
"Effect of climatic variables on seasonal morphological changes in the testis and epididymis in the wild rodent Microcavia australis from the andes mountains, Argentina" (2010) Velez, S.;Sassi, P.L.;Borghi, C.E. (...)Fornés, M.W. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology. 313 A(8):474-483
"Differential distribution of gonadotropin-releasing hormone variants in the brain of Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris (mammalia, rodentia)" (1999) Montaner, A.D.;Affanni, J.M.;King, J.A. (...)Somoza, G.M. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. 19(5):635-651