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Helicity cascades
"Helical turbulence prevails over inertial waves in forced rotating flows at high reynolds and low rossby numbers" (2011) Baerenzung, J.; Rosenberg, D.; Mininni, P.D.; Pouquet, A. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 68(11):2757-2770
"Cancellation exponents in helical and non-helical flows" (2010) Imazio, P.R.; Mininni, P.D. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 651:241-250
"Rotating helical turbulence. II. Intermittencyscale invarianceand structures" (2010) Mininni, P.D.; Pouquet, A. Physics of Fluids. 22(3):6-10
"Effect of Helicity and Rotation on the Free Decay of Turbulent Flows" (2009) Teitelbaum, T.; Mininni, P.D. Physical Review Letters. 103(1)
"Helicity cascades in rotating turbulence" (2009) Mininni, P.D.; Pouquet, A. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 79(2)
"Cascades, thermalization, and eddy viscosity in helical Galerkin truncated Euler flows" (2009) Krstulovic, G.; Mininni, P.D.; Brachet, M.E.; Pouquet, A. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 79(5)