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Hall effect
"Energy spectrum, dissipation, and spatial structures in reduced Hall magnetohydrodynamic" (2012) Martin, L.N.; Dmitruk, P.; Gomez, D.O. Physics of Plasmas. 19(5)
"Hall-magnetohydrodynamic small-scale dynamos" (2010) Gómez, D.O.; Mininni, P.D.; Dmitruk, P. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 82(3)
"Parallel simulations of hall-Mhd plasmas" (2006) Gómez, D. Space Science Reviews. 122(1-4):231-238
"The role of Hall currents on incompressible magnetic reconnection" (2006) Morales, L.F.; Dasso, S.; Gómez, D.O.; Mininni, P.D. Advances in Space Research. 37(7):1287-1291
"Hall effect on magnetic reconnection at the Earth's magnetopause" (2005) Morales, L.F.; Dasso, S.; Gómez, D.O.; Mininni, P. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 67(17-18 SPEC ISS):1821-1826
"Hall effect on magnetic reconnection at the Earth's magnetopause" (2005) Morales, L.F.; Dasso, S.; Gómez, D.O.; Mininni, P. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 67(17-18 SPEC ISS):1821-1826
"Numerical simulations of MHD dynamos" (2005) Gómez, D.O.; Mininni, P. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 67(17-18 SPEC ISS):1865-1871
"Defects in Implanted Hg1-xCdxTe: Electrical and structural characterization" (1998) Aguirre, M.; Cánepa, H.; Heredia, E.; Walsöe de Reca, N.E. Defect and Diffusion Forum. 162-163:21-26