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"Binding of the substrate UDP-glucuronic acid induces conformational changes in the xanthan gum glucuronosyltransferase" (2016) Salinas, S.R.;Petruk, A.A.;Brukman, N.G. (...)Ielpi, L. Protein Engineering, Design and Selection. 29(6):197-207
"Binding of the substrate UDP-glucuronic acid induces conformational changes in the xanthan gum glucuronosyltransferase" (2016) Salinas, S.R.;Petruk, A.A.;Brukman, N.G. (...)Ielpi, L. Protein Engineering, Design and Selection. 29(6):197-207
"Binding of the substrate UDP-glucuronic acid induces conformational changes in the xanthan gum glucuronosyltransferase" (2016) Salinas, S.R.;Petruk, A.A.;Brukman, N.G. (...)Ielpi, L. Protein Engineering, Design and Selection. 29(6):197-207
"Some factors affecting glomerulopressin production by perfused rat liver" (1982) Arany, E.; Del Castillo, E.; Uranga, J. Hormone and Metabolic Research. 14(12):667-670