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Data mining
"Classification of melanoma images with fisher vectors and deep learning" (2019) Liberman, G.;Acevedo, D.;Mejail, M. (...)Morales A. 23rd Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2018. 11401 LNCS:732-739
"Annotation of entities and relations in Spanish radiology reports" (2017) Cotik, V.;Filippo, D.;Roller, R. (...)Angelova G. 11th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2017. 2017-September:177-184
"Assessing the usefulness of online message board mining in automatic stock prediction systems" (2017) Gálvez, R.H.; Gravano, A. Journal of Computational Science. 19:43-56
"A Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire Neuron Analog Realized with a Mott Insulator" (2017) Stoliar, P.;Tranchant, J.;Corraze, B. (...)Cario, L. Advanced Functional Materials. 27(11)
"Improving information retrieval in functional analysis" (2016) Rodriguez, J.C.;González, G.A.;Fresno, C. (...)Fernández, E.A. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 79:10-20
"An Approach for Automatic Classification of Radiology Reports in Spanish" (2015) Cotik, V.;Filippo, D.;Castaño, J. (...)de Azevedo Marques P.M. 15th World Congress on Health and Biomedical Informatics, MEDINFO 2015. 216:634-638
"An Approach for Automatic Classification of Radiology Reports in Spanish" (2015) Cotik, V.;Filippo, D.;Castaño, J. (...)de Azevedo Marques P.M. 15th World Congress on Health and Biomedical Informatics, MEDINFO 2015. 216:634-638
"Mining the modular structure of protein interaction networks" (2015) Berenstein, A.J.; Piñero, J.; Furlong, L.I.; Chernomoretz, A. PLoS ONE. 10(4)
"Mining the modular structure of protein interaction networks" (2015) Berenstein, A.J.; Piñero, J.; Furlong, L.I.; Chernomoretz, A. PLoS ONE. 10(4)
"A data model and query language for spatio-temporal decision support" (2011) Gómez, L.; Kuijpers, B.; Vaisman, A. GeoInformatica. 15(3):455-496
"Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence in Thoracic Surgery" (2007) Esteva, H.; Núñez, T.G.; Rodríguez, R.O. Thoracic Surgery Clinics. 17(3):359-367
"Automated Biological Sequence description and recognition by a localized multiobjective genetic algorithm" (2002) Zwir, I.; Romero Zaliz, R. Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, JCIS 2002. 6:586-589