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convective system
"Convective storm life cycle and environments near the Sierras de Córdoba, Argentina" (2018) Mulholland, J.P.;Nesbitt, S.W.;Trapp, R.J. (...)Salio, P.V. Monthly Weather Review. 146(8):2541-2557
"Environment associated with deep moist convection under SALLJ conditions: A case study" (2010) Borque, P.; Salio, P.; Nicolini, M.; Skabar, Y.G. Weather and Forecasting. 25(3):970-984
"Origin of convectively coupled Kelvin waves over South America" (2009) Liebmann, B.;Kiladis, G.N.;Carvalho, L.M.V. (...)Allured, D. Journal of Climate. 22(2):300-315
"Forecast and tracking the evolution of cloud clusters (ForTraCC) using satellite infrared imagery: Methodology and validation" (2008) Vila, D.A.; Machado, L.A.T.; Laurent, H.; Velasco, I. Weather and Forecasting. 23(2):233-245
"Synergism between the low-level jet and organized convection at its exit region" (2007) Saulo, C.; Ruiz, J.; García Skabar, Y. Monthly Weather Review. 135(4):1310-1326
"Mesoscale convective systems over southeastern South America and their relationship with the South American low-level jet" (2007) Salio, P.; Nicolini, M.; Zipser, E.J. Monthly Weather Review. 135(4):1290-1309