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basin evolution
"Jurassic break-up of the Peri-Gondwanan margin in northern Colombia: Basin formation and implications for terrane transfer" (2019) Nova, G.;Bayona Chaparro, G.A.;Silva-Tamayo, J.C. (...)Montes, C. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 89:92-117
"Closure type effects on the structural pattern of an inverted extensional basin of variable width: Results from analogue models" (2018) Jara, P.;Likerman, J.;Charrier, R. (...)Winocur, D. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 87:157-173
"Neuquén Group (Upper Cretaceous): A case of underfilled-overfilled cycles in an Andean foreland basin, Neuquén basin, Argentina" (2017) Asurmendi, E.; Sánchez, M.L.; Fennell, L. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 80:444-459
"Tectonostratigraphic history of the Neogene Maimará basin, Northwest Argentina" (2016) Galli, C.I.;Coira, B.L.;Alonso, R.N. (...)Kay, S.M. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 72:137-158
"The Neocomian of Chachahuén (Mendoza, Argentina): Evidence of a broken foreland associated with the Payenia flat-slab" (2015) Sagripanti, L.; Aguirre-Urreta, B.; Folguera, A.; Ramos, V.A. Geological Society Special Publication. 399:203-219
"Effects of tectonic deformation and landslides in the erosion of a mountain plateau in the transitional zone between the Central and Patagonian Andes" (2015) Penna, I.M.;Hermanns, R.L.;Daicz, S. (...)Tedesco, A.M. American Journal of Science. 315(3):257-274
"Magmatic and tectonic evolution of the Oligocene Valle del cura basin, main Andes of Argentina and Chile: Evidence for generalized extension" (2015) Winocur, D.A.; Litvak, V.D.; Ramos, V.A. Geological Society Special Publication. 399(1):109-130
"The origin of the Loncopué Trough in the retroarc of the Southern Central Andes from field, geophysical and geochemical data" (2014) Rojas Vera, E.A.;Sellés, D.;Folguera, A. (...)Ramos, V.A. Tectonophysics. 637:1-19
"Petrology and provenance of the Toro Negro Formation (Neogene) of the Vinchina broken-foreland basin (Central Andes of Argentina)" (2014) Ciccioli, P.L.; Marenssi, S.A.; Limarino, C.O. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 49:15-38
"Andean foreland evolution and flexure in NW Argentina: Chaco-Paraná Basin" (2014) Prezzi, C.B.; Götze, H.-J.; Schmidt, S. Tectonophysics. 628:228-243
"Evolution of the Golfo San Jorge Basin: structure and tectonic regime" (2014) Ramos, V.A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 72(1):263-282
"Cretaceous stratigraphy of sierra de beauvoir, fuegian andes, Argentina " (2013) Martinioni, D.R.; Olivero, E.B.; Medina, F.A.; Palamarczuk, S. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 70(1):70-95
"Quaternary volcanic-sedimentary sequences and evolution of the Llancanelo Lake region (Southern Mendoza, Western Argentina) evidenced from geoelectric methods" (2012) de la Vega, M.;Lopez, E.;Osella, A. (...)Violante, R.A. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 40:116-128
"Horizontal stress Field evolution from Eocene to present in Neuquen Basin " (2011) Guzmán, C.G.;Cristallini, E.O.;García, V.H. (...)Bechis, F. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 68(4):542-554
"Structure, stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of the Ñirihuau basin in the río Cushamen region, Chubut " (2011) Ramos, M.E.;Orts, D.;Calatayud, F. (...)Ramos, V.A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 68(2):210-224
"Structure and tectonic history of the foreland basins of southernmost South America" (2010) Ghiglione, M.C.;Quinteros, J.;Yagupsky, D. (...)Zapata, y.T. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 29(2):262-277
"Tectonic and tectosedimentary characteristics of the Rincón Blanco halfgraben: A synthesis " (2010) Barredo, S.; Ramos, V.A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 66(1-2):133-145
"Tetrapod tracks in amarginal lacustrine setting (Middle Triassic, Argentina): Taphonomy and significance" (2010) Marsicano, C.A.; Mancuso, A.C.; Palma, R.M.; Krapovickas, V. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 291(3-4):388-399
"Tetrapod tracks in amarginal lacustrine setting (Middle Triassic, Argentina): Taphonomy and significance" (2010) Marsicano, C.A.; Mancuso, A.C.; Palma, R.M.; Krapovickas, V. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 291(3-4):388-399
"Structure and evolution of the Austral basin fold-thrust belt, Southern Patagonian Andes " (2009) Ghiglione, M.C.;Suarez, F.;Ambrosio, A. (...)Reinoso, R.M. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 65(1):215-226
"Flexural isostasy in the Bolivian Andes: Chaco foreland basin development" (2009) Prezzi, C.B.; Uba, C.E.; Götze, H.-J. Tectonophysics. 474(3-4):526-543
"Stratigraphy of the central sector of the Loncopué Trough: The Quaternary depocenter of the Huecú (Western sector of the Neuquén basin) " (2009) Rojas Vera, E.A.; Folguera, A.; Ramos, V.A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 65(2):400-412
"Controls of the Precuyano in the structure of the Neuquén Basin " (2009) Cristallini, E.;Tomezzoli, R.;Pando, G. (...)Zambrano, O. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 65(2):248-264
"Structural geology of the Fuegian Andes and Magallanes fold-and-thrust belt - Tierra del Fuego Island" (2008) Menichetti, M.; Lodolo, E.; Tassone, A. Geologica Acta. 6(1):19-42
"Tectonic implications of a paleomagnetic study of the Sarmiento Ophiolitic Complex, southern Chile" (2008) Rapalini, A.E.;Calderón, M.;Singer, S. (...)Cordani, U. Tectonophysics. 452(1-4):29-41
"Continental stretching preceding the opening of the Drake Passage: Evidence from Tierra del Fuego" (2008) Ghiglione, M.C.; Yagupsky, D.; Ghidella, M.; Ramos, V.A. Geology. 36(8):643-646
"Paleogeography of the upper Paleozoic basins of southern South America: An overview" (2006) Limarino, C.O.; Spalletti, L.A. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 22(3-4):134-155
"Tectonic evolution of the Andean Fold and thrust belt of the southern Neuquén Basin, Argentina" (2005) Zapata, T.; Folguera, A. Geological Society Special Publication. 252:37-56
"Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian-Aptian) biostratigraphy of the Neuquén Basin" (2005) Aguirre-Urreta, M.B.;Rawson, P.F.;Concheyro, G.A. (...)Ottone, E.G. Geological Society Special Publication. 252:57-81
"Fluvial systems variations in the Rio Leona Formation: Tectonic and eustatic controls on the Oligocene evolution of the Austral (Magallanes) Basin, southernmost Argentina" (2005) Marenssi, S.A.; Limarino, C.O.; Tripaldi, A.; Net, L.I. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 19(3):359-372
"Progression of deformation and sedimentation in the southernmost Andes" (2005) Ghiglione, M.C.; Ramos, V.A. Tectonophysics. 405(1-4):25-46
"Aptian to recent compressional deformation, foothills of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina" (2003) Cobbold, P.R.; Rossello, E.A. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 20(5):429-443
"The Man Alike Formation south of the Calafete (Province of Santa Cruz) And its relationwith the discordant Eocene in the Austral River Basin " (2002) Marenssi, S.A.; Casadío, S.; Santillana, S.N. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 57(3):341-344