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Amazon Basin
"The Amazon basin as a moisture source for an Atlantic Walker-type Circulation" (2019) Hierro, R.; Llamedo, P.; de la Torre, A.; Alexander, P. Atmospheric Research. 216:160-166
"Spatiotemporal structures of rainfall over the Amazon basin derived from TRMM data" (2016) Hierro, R.; Llamedo, P.; de la Torre, A.; Alexander, P. International Journal of Climatology. 36(3):1565-1574
"A new species of allophryne (Anura: Allophrynidae) from the atlantic rain forest biome of eastern Brazil" (2013) Caramaschi, U.;Orrico, V.G.D.;Faivovich, J. (...)Solé, M. Herpetologica. 69(4):480-491
"Oscillation modes of humidity over the Amazon basin derived from GPS RO profiles" (2013) Hierro, R.; Llamedo, P.; De La Torre, A.; Alexander, P. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 118(23):13121-13127
"Recent developments on the South American monsoon system" (2012) Marengo, J.A.;Liebmann, B.;Grimm, A.M. (...)Alves, L.M. International Journal of Climatology. 32(1):1-21
"Recent developments on the South American monsoon system" (2012) Marengo, J.A.;Liebmann, B.;Grimm, A.M. (...)Alves, L.M. International Journal of Climatology. 32(1):1-21
"Climate variability and extreme drought in the upper Solimões River (western Amazon Basin): Understanding the exceptional 2010 drought" (2011) Espinoza, J.C.;Ronchail, J.;Guyot, J.L. (...)Pombosa, R. Geophysical Research Letters. 38(13)
"Projected precipitation changes in South America: A dynamical downscaling within CLARIS" (2010) Sörensson, A.A.;Menéndez, C.G.;Ruscica, R. (...)Willén, U. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 19(4):347-355
"Projected precipitation changes in South America: A dynamical downscaling within CLARIS" (2010) Sörensson, A.A.;Menéndez, C.G.;Ruscica, R. (...)Willén, U. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 19(4):347-355
"Mesoscale convective systems over southeastern South America and their relationship with the South American low-level jet" (2007) Salio, P.; Nicolini, M.; Zipser, E.J. Monthly Weather Review. 135(4):1290-1309