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Virtual machines
"Fully-reflective VMs for ruling software adaptation" (2017) Chari, G.; Garbervetsky, D.; Marr, S. 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering Companion, ICSE-C 2017:229-231
"Building efficient and highly run-time adaptable virtual machines" (2016) Chari, G.;Garbervetsky, D.;Marr, S. (...)ACM SIGPLAN 12th Symposium on Dynamic Languages, DLS 2016:60-71
"Building efficient and highly run-time adaptable virtual machines" (2016) Chari, G.;Garbervetsky, D.;Marr, S. (...)ACM SIGPLAN 12th Symposium on Dynamic Languages, DLS 2016:60-71
"A bio-inspired scheduler for minimizing makespan and flowtime of computational mechanics applications on federated clouds" (2016) Pacini, E.;Mateos, C.;Garino, C.G. (...)Mirasso, A. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. 31(3):1731-1743
"Broker Scheduler based on ACO for Federated Cloud-based scientific experiments" (2016) Pacini, E.; Mateos, C.; Garino, C.G. 2016 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2016
"Towards fully reflective environments" (2015) Chari, G.;Garbervetsky, D.;Marr, S. (...)ACM SIGPLAN ACM International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and Software, Onward! 2015 - Part of SPLASH 2015:240-253
"Towards fully reflective environments" (2015) Chari, G.;Garbervetsky, D.;Marr, S. (...)ACM SIGPLAN ACM International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and Software, Onward! 2015 - Part of SPLASH 2015:240-253
"A Three-level Scheduler to Execute Scientific Experiments on Federated Clouds" (2015) Pacini, E.; Mateos, C.; Garcia Garino, C. IEEE Latin America Transactions. 13(10):3359-3369