Lista de

vegetation type
"Exotic earthworm (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) assemblages on a landscape scale in central Canadian woodlands: Importance of region and vegetation type" (2017) Choi, A.; Sackett, T.E.; Smith, S.M.; Bellocq, M.I. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 47(7):935-945
"Passive microwave and optical index approaches for estimating surface conductance and evapotranspiration in forest ecosystems" (2015) Barraza, V.;Restrepo-Coupe, N.;Huete, A. (...)Van Gorsel, E. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 213:126-137
"Eolian sand sheet deposition in the San Luis paleodune field, western Argentina as an indicator of a semi-arid environment through the Holocene" (2014) Forman, S.L.; Tripaldi, A.; Ciccioli, P.L. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 411:122-135
"Botfly parasitism effects on nestling growth and mortality of Red-crested Cardinals" (2011) Segura, L.N.; Reboreda, J.C. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 123(1):107-115
"Hydraulic constraints on photosynthesis in subtropical evergreen broad leaf forest and pine woodland trees of the Florida Everglades" (2010) Jones, T.J.; Luton, C.D.; Santiago, L.S.; Goldstein, G. Trees - Structure and Function. 24(3):471-478