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United Kingdom
"XIPE: The X-ray imaging polarimetry explorer" (2016) Soffitta, P. Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray. 9905
"The nautiloid Family Eothinoceratidae from the Floian of the Central Andean Basin (NW Argentina and South Bolivia)" (2015) Cichowolski, M.; Waisfeld, B.G.; Vaccari, N.E.; Marengo, L. Geological Journal. 50(6):764-782
"Spatial Variations in the Average Rainfall-Altitude Relationship in Great Britain: An Approach using Geographically Weighted Regression" (2001) Salles, M.A.; Canziani, P.O.; Compagnucci, R.H. International Journal of Climatology. 21(4):455-466