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Unit circular-arc graphs
"Normal Helly circular-arc graphs and its subclasses" (2013) Lin, M.C.; Soulignac, F.J.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 161(7-8):1037-1059
"Normal Helly circular-arc graphs and its subclasses" (2013) Lin, M.C.; Soulignac, F.J.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 161(7-8):1037-1059
"Characterizations and recognition of circular-arc graphs and subclasses: A survey" (2009) Lin, M.C.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Discrete Mathematics. 309(18):5618-5635
"Characterizations and recognition of circular-arc graphs and subclasses: A survey" (2009) Lin, M.C.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Discrete Mathematics. 309(18):5618-5635
"Proper Helly circular-arc graphs" (2007) Lin, M.C.; Soulignac, F.J.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. 33rd International Conference Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, WG 2007. 4769 LNCS:248-257
"Proper Helly circular-arc graphs" (2007) Lin, M.C.; Soulignac, F.J.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. 33rd International Conference Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, WG 2007. 4769 LNCS:248-257
"Polynomial time recognition of unit circular-arc graphs" (2006) Durán, G.;Gravano, A.;McConnell, R.M. (...)Tucker, A. Journal of Algorithms. 58(1):67-78
"Polynomial time recognition of unit circular-arc graphs" (2006) Durán, G.;Gravano, A.;McConnell, R.M. (...)Tucker, A. Journal of Algorithms. 58(1):67-78