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tidal cycle
"Possible predation by the striped weakfish Cynoscion guatucupa on estuary-associated fishes in an Argentinian coastal lagoon" (2015) Blasina, G.E.; Lopez Cazorla, A.C.; DÍaz de Astarloa, J.M. Marine Biology Research. 11(6):613-623
"The Río de la plata estuary response to wind variability in synoptic timescale: Salinity fields and salt wedge structure" (2013) Meccia, V.L.; Simionato, C.G.; Guerrero, R.A. Journal of Coastal Research. 29(1):61-77
"Peritidal cyclic sedimentation from La Manga Formation (Oxfordian), Neuquén Basin, Mendoza, Argentina" (2013) Palma, R.M.;Kietzmann, D.A.;Bressan, G.S. (...)Iglesias Llanos, M.P. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 47:1-11
"Increase of organic matter transport between marshes and tidal flats by the burrowing crab Neohelice (Chasmagnathus) granulata Dana in SW Atlantic salt marshes" (2011) Mendez Casariego, A.; Luppi, T.; Iribarne, O.; Daleo, P. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 401(1-2):110-117
"Modeling ocean tides and their energetics in the North Patagonia Gulfs of Argentina" (2011) Moreira, D.; Simionato, C.G.; Dragani, W. Journal of Coastal Research. 27(1):87-102
"Storm surges and coastal impacts at Mar del Plata, Argentina" (2009) Fiore, M.M.E.;D'Onofrio, E.E.;Pousa, J.L. (...)Bértola, G.R. Continental Shelf Research. 29(14):1643-1649
"Morphology, grain-size and faunistic composition of the macrotidal beaches of Tierra del Fuego" (2005) Isla, F.I.; Bujalesky, G.G.; Galasso, M.L.; De Francesco, C.G. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 60(3):435-445
"Paraná river delta wetlands soil microfungi" (2002) Bettucci, L.;Malvarez, I.;Dupont, J. (...)Roquebert, M.-F. Pedobiologia. 46(6):606-623