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tectonic rotation
"Palaeomagnetic data from the Precordillera fold and thrust belt constraining Neogene foreland evolution of the Pampean flat-slab segment (Central Andes, Argentina)" (2016) Japas, M.S.; Ré, G.H.; Oriolo, S.N.; Vilas, J.F. Geological Society Special Publication. 425(1):81-105
"Tectonic rotations and internal structure of Eocene plutons in Chuquicamata, northern Chile" (2015) Somoza, R.;Tomlinson, A.J.;Zaffarana, C.B. (...)Dilles, J.H. Tectonophysics. 654:113-130
"A paleomagnetic analysis of the Patagonian orocline" (2007) Rapalini, A.E. Geologica Acta. 5(4):287-294
"The sanrafaelic remagnetization of precordillera in the permian: New evidence " (2005) Rapalini, A.E.; Astini, R.A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 60(2):290-300
"Palaeomagnetic study of cenozoic rocks cropping out in the Southern Puna: New data on tectonic rotations " (2001) Prezzi, C.B. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 56(3):293-303
"Paleomagnetic evidence for a very large counterclockwise rotation of the Madre de Dios Archipelago, Southern Chile" (2001) Rapalini, A.E.; Hervé, F.; Ramos, V.A.; Singer, S.E. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 184(2):471-487
"Counterclockwise tectonic rotation of the Del Salto Formation (Lower Permian), San Juan Province " (2001) Rapalini, A.E.; Mena, M. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 56(4):494-502
"Paleomagnetism of Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks in central Patagonia: A key to constrain the timing of rotations during the breakup of southwestern Gondwana?" (2000) Geuna, S.E.;Somoza, R.;Vizán, H. (...)Rinaldi, C.A. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 181(1-2):145-160
"Paleomagnetic study along the southeastern edge of the Altiplano - Puna Plateau: Neogene tectonic rotations" (1996) Aubry, L.;Roperch, P.;De Urreiztieta, M. (...)Chauvin, A. Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth. 101(8):17883-17899