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Systems analysis
"Modeling opinion dynamics: Theoretical analysis and continuous approximation" (2017) Pinasco, J.P.; Semeshenko, V.; Balenzuela, P. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 98:210-215
"A multi-site variational master equation approach to dissipative energy transfer" (2013) Pollock, F.A.;McCutcheon, D.P.S.;Lovett, B.W. (...)Nazir, A. New Journal of Physics. 15
"Transport phenomena in the asymmetric quantum multibaker map" (2008) Ermann, L.; Carlo, G.G.; Saraceno, M. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 77(1)
"Analysis and assembling of network structure in mutualistic systems" (2007) Medan, D.;Perazzo, R.P.J.;Devoto, M. (...)Delbue, A.M. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 246(3):510-521
"Diversity-induced synchronized oscillations in close-to-threshold excitable elements arranged on regular networks: Effects of network topology" (2006) Vragovic, I.; Louis, E.; Degli Esposti Boschi, C.; Ortega, G. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 219(2):111-119
"Collective modes in a coupled ratchet model" (2006) Fendrik, A.J.; Romanelli, L.; Perazzo, R.P.J. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 368(1):7-15
"Models of complex physical systems using Cell-DEVS" (2001) Ameghino, J.; Troccoli, A.; Wainer, G. Proceedings of the IEEE Annual Simulation Symposium:266-273
"Duration properties over real time system designs" (2000) Braberman, V.; Pieniazek, F.; IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Software Engineering 10th International Workshop on Software Specification and Design, IWSSD 2000:51-61