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synoptic meteorology
"Synoptic patterns associated with the highest wind-waves at the mouth of the Río de la Plata estuary" (2013) Dragani, W.C.;Cerne, B.S.;Campetella, C.M. (...)Campos, M.I. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans. 61-62:1-13
"Surface circulation types and daily maximum and minimum temperatures in Southern la plata basin" (2013) Penalba, O.C.; Bettolli, M.L.; Krieger, P.A. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 52(11):2450-2459
"Recent developments on the South American monsoon system" (2012) Marengo, J.A.;Liebmann, B.;Grimm, A.M. (...)Alves, L.M. International Journal of Climatology. 32(1):1-21
"Synoptic weather types in the south of South America and their relationship to daily rainfall in the core crop-producing region in Argentina" (2010) Bettolli, M.L.; Penalba, O.C.; Vargas, W.M. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal. 60(1):37-48
"A statistical study of Weinmannia pollen trajectories across the Andes" (2009) Pérez, C.F.; Castañeda, M.E.; Gassmann, M.I.; Bianchi, M.M. Advances in Geosciences. 22:79-84
"Vorticity patterns for rainy and dry episodes in Argentina" (2004) Ruiz, N.E. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. 86(1-2):45-62
"Interannual and interdecadal variability of atmospheric synoptic-scale activity in the Southern Hemisphere" (2003) Vera, C. Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans. 108(4):SOV 4-1 - 4-10
"Objective method for classifying air masses: An application to the analysis of Buenos Aires' (Argentina) urban heat island intensity" (2003) Bejarán, R.A.; Camilloni, I.A. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 74(1-2):93-103
"Weather regimes in the South American sector and neighbouring oceans during winter" (2003) Solman, S.A.; Menéndez, C.G. Climate Dynamics. 21(1):91-104
"Surface circulation associated with frost in the wet pampas" (2003) Müller, G.V.; Compagnucci, R.; Nunez, M.N.; Salles, A. International Journal of Climatology. 23(8):943-961
"Cold season synoptic-scale waves over subtropical South America" (2002) Vera, C.S.; Vigliarolo, P.K.; Berbery, E.H. Monthly Weather Review. 130(3):684-699
"An explosive cyclogenesis over land" (2002) Possia, N.E. Atmosfera. 15(1):1-18
"Principal sequence pattern analysis: A new approach to classifying the evolution of atmospheric systems" (2001) Compagnucci, R.H.; Araneo, D.; Canziani, P.O. International Journal of Climatology. 21(2):197-217
"A diagnostic study of cold-air outbreaks over South America" (2000) Vera, C.S.; Vigliarolo, P.K. Monthly Weather Review. 128(1):3-24
"500 hPa vorticity analyses over Argentina: Their climatology and capacity to distinguish synoptic-scale precipitation" (1998) Ruiz, N.E.; Vargas, W.M. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 60(1-4):77-92
"500 hPa vorticity analyses over Argentina: Their climatology and capacity to distinguish synoptic-scale precipitation" (1998) Ruiz, N.E.; Vargas, W.M. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 60(1-4):77-92
"Surface pressure patterns during the year over southern South America" (1997) Compagnucci, R.H.; Salles, M.A. International Journal of Climatology. 17(6):635-653