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resource allocation
"Individual size as determinant of sugar responsiveness in ants" (2018) Josens, R.; Lopez, M.A.; Jofré, N.; Giurfa, M. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 72(10)
"The costs of financial crises: Resource misallocation, productivity, and welfare in the 2001 argentine crisis" (2014) Sandleris, G.; Wright, M.L.J. Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 116(1):87-127
"A dynamic analysis of tuberculosis dissemination to improve control and surveillance" (2010) Zorzenon dos Santos, R.M.;Amador, A.;de Souza, W.V. (...)Silva, C.L. PLoS ONE. 5(11)
"Functional convergence in hydraulic architecture and water relations of tropical savanna trees: From leaf to whole plant" (2004) Bucci, S.J.;Goldstein, G.;Meinzer, F.C. (...)Bustamante, M. Tree Physiology. 24(8):891-899
"Reproductive ecology of Pterapogon kauderni, an endemic apogonid from indonesia with direct development" (2004) Vagelli, A.A.; Volpedo, A.V. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 70(3):235-245