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Requirements specifications
"Revisiting compatibility of input-output modal transition systems" (2014) Krka, I.; D'Ippolito, N.; Medvidović, N.; Uchitel, S. 19th International Symposium on Formal Methods, FM 2014. 8442 LNCS:367-381
"Elaborating requirements using model checking and inductive learning" (2013) Alrajeh, D.; Kramer, J.; Russo, A.; Uchitel, S. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 39(3):361-383
"Synthesis of partial behavior models from properties and scenarios" (2009) Uchitel, S.; Brunet, G.; Chechik, M. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 35(3):384-406
"Describing and analyzing behaviours over tabular specifications using (Dyn)alloy" (2009) Aguirre, N.M.;Frias, M.F.;Moscato, M.M. (...)Wassyng, A. 12th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, FASE 2009. 5503:155-170
"Describing and analyzing behaviours over tabular specifications using (Dyn)alloy" (2009) Aguirre, N.M.;Frias, M.F.;Moscato, M.M. (...)Wassyng, A. 12th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, FASE 2009. 5503:155-170