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Radio bursts
"How Can Active Region Plasma Escape into the Solar Wind from Below a Closed Helmet Streamer?" (2014) Mandrini, C.H.;Nuevo, F.A.;Vásquez, A.M. (...)Pick, M. Solar Physics. 289(11):4151-4171
"The interplanetary magnetic structure that guides solar relativistic particles" (2012) Masson, S.; Démoulin, P.; Dasso, S.; Klein, K.-L. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 538
"Origin of the submillimeter radio emission during the time-extended phase of a solar flare" (2012) Trottet, G.;Raulin, J.-P.;Giménez De Castro, G. (...)Kaufmann, P. Energy Storage and Release through the Solar Activity Cycle: Models Meet Radio Observations. 9781461444039:33-55
"Origin of the submillimeter radio emission during the time-extended phase of a solar flare" (2012) Trottet, G.;Raulin, J.-P.;Giménez De Castro, G. (...)Kaufmann, P. Energy Storage and Release through the Solar Activity Cycle: Models Meet Radio Observations. 9781461444039:33-55
"Origin of the submillimeter radio emission during the time-extended phase of a solar flare" (2012) Trottet, G.;Raulin, J.-P.;Giménez De Castro, G. (...)Kaufmann, P. Energy Storage and Release through the Solar Activity Cycle: Models Meet Radio Observations. 9781461444039:33-55
"Multi-scale reconnections in a complex CME" (2008) van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.;Goff, C.P.;Démoulin, P. (...)Kurokawa, H. Advances in Space Research. 42(5):858-865