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Parallel algorithms
"Crystal structure prediction of flexible molecules using parallel genetic algorithms with a standard force field" (2009) Seonah, K.; Orendt, A.M.; Ferraro, M.B.; Facelli, J.C. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 30(13):1973-1985
"Parallel genetic algorithms for crystal structure prediction: Successes and failures in predicting bicalutamide polymorphs" (2009) Ferraro, M.B.; Orendt, A.M.; Facelli, J.C. 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2009. 5754 LNCS:120-129
"Bilateral shorted operators and parallel sums" (2006) Antezana, J.; Corach, G.; Stojanoff, D. Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 414(2-3):570-588
"A general framework to understand parallel performance in heterogeneous clusters: Analysis of a new adaptive parallel genetic algorithm" (2005) Bazterra, V.E.; Cuma, M.; Ferraro, M.B.; Facelli, J.C. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 65(1):48-57
"A class of optimized row projection methods for solving large nonsymmetric linear systems" (2002) Scolnik, H.; Echebest, N.; Guardarucci, M.T.; Vacchino, M.C. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 41(4):499-513